What is mig33pro

Mig33pro is a little application but it’s very useful for the mig33 flooders. You can make enter-leave flood, emote command flood and emoticon flood as well. It's now highly used for flooding the chat rooms. In the Recent time some culprit used it for making clone of the chat rooms. But Mig33 Team solved that problem sensibly.

Please download to

How to use: It's easy to use. After extracting the zip file le you will find the configuration settings file. Open that file, and you will see

Give the required information after the (equal to =) = sign.
Type your username. Your password and in which chat room you want to flood. You can type kick username if you want to kick anyone of that chat room.
After fulfill the configuration. Save these changes. Now run mig33pro application and do what you want to. All the best.

NB: bagi yang pcnya ada antivirusnya, please uninstall, atau kalo loe bisa un use scan email, non aktifkan aja.kalo ga migpronya ga bisa digunakan

Silakan belajar sendiri ya, ato tanya teman terdekat loe yang dah bisa pakai.
mohon jgn pv, minta diajarin cara penggunaan, ga bakal gw bales.
thanks all

Link downloadnya ga jadi gw hapus. tapi gw punya saran :
pergunakanlah ilmu kalian dengan bijak, jangan buat rusuh, kalo teman2 di room minta stop, ya jangan flood room. setelah bisa, bagi2 ilmu kalian dengan teman2 yang laen, orng baik disayang Tuhan.

Old school Easter eggs.